Mona Youssef Gallery

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Da Vinci and you; are you, can you?

You probably, are another Da Vinci, partially or totally, how would you know? The DaVincis are 10% of the population who can create, take the lead, invent, solve problems, sensitive to surroundings, speak up, seek sensation, are insightful, risk takers, brave, prevision and calculate matters ahead of time, think differently and stand out inversely! Such characteristics can be found in leaders, inventors, politicians, stars, scientists and artists. These ones are highly sensitive, spiritual and feel the need to have purpose in life. They can’t tolerate nonsense or take no for an answer. Therefore, they have the spirit of warrior to correct systems that lacks integrity and is no longer working for the majority. For this reason, they have a fiery inspiring character and strong determination.


The Da Vincis have genetic polymorphism called the DRD4 which increases susceptibility, the alpha brainwave patterns to addictive behavior, ADD/ADHD and bipolar, supports the risk-taking intention, innovation and enriches the problem-solving capability. These individuals are only content when operate at 100% of their capacity, call them perfectionists!! This perfect percentage must include their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual maximum limitations when doing something. When they use the full capacity, they are the happiest people, feel energetic, lively and never hold something back but give it all when they are in such states.


Being known as individuals who lack self-repression, the Da Vincis, may seem, in public, as emotionally unnatural, too spontaneous, different, too good to be true or untrue because simply, they have the spur-of-the-moment attribute. In response to this fact, the DaVincis are strained and hold back the urge expressing their unconscious ideas, desires, spontaneous natural impulses, feelings and thoughts in public. This why they prefer to be alone in most cases.


DaVinci was affected by everything surrounded him even food, places, nature, sex, music, environments and ideas etc. He was example of discovering our limitation, potentials and exploring the unknown areas. When Da Vinci was confronted with negotiable dangers, felt exhilarated and livelier which put him in the Alpha state where his intuition would flow and provided him with insightful solutions. Whereas when a normal person faces such situation he would only, fight or flight which does not open a door for problem solving nor for creativity to be developed. This Alpha or flow state of the unconscious oneself leads to the third option, which some may call it the sixth senses. This must be experienced to learn about it and understand it! DaVinci, knew what to do immediately, as instant realization and fast flash of insightful thought pops up in at the perfect moment.


The 90% of the population are considered the normal type! Therefore, they have it easy and are hardly criticized for the fact that they have little conflict between what they express consciously, and how they act out or conduct themselves publicly. Why? Because they unaware of the entire unconscious matters their brains automatically, repress without any personal efforts. Since they do not experience unconscious thoughts, desires or impulses, although, they look normal to the majority, but they lack the flares and creativity. They easily, follow rules which kill creativity and destroy the ability to perceive matters ahead of time, whereas DaVinci hated to be told what to do and could not follow rules. He utilized his best when acted on the level of personal consciousness free from laws, conditions and social programming or expectations. That is why the Da Vincis may suffer from bipolar disorder, anxiety, procrastination and lack of true success, balancing between oneself and the public standers and its norm expectations, so they have it difficult!


Sigmund Freud had studied the psychology of Da Vinci and found him to be a great and brilliant artist. After almost 100 years past, the medical diagnosis labeled many as the neurotic Da Vinci type ADD or ADHD. As was discovered that the DRD4 polymorphism gene can be activated to have Da Vinci attributes! In general, going under high stress can activate the DRD4 to equip a person to handle a situation at best. Shinohara, Toshimichi, Ph. D. in Brigham and in Women’s Hospital Centre for Ophthalmic Research said We are studying how cells adapt to environment-stress to survive. To survive stress, cells activate multiple genes. When it is activated we feel the need for stimulation, excitement, adrenaline, exploring, discovering and doing something different because we crave the transcendent experience of living on the edge.


So, how about you and I? Are we Da Vinci? Do you wish to be? If not, now, do you know and understand more about different people, talented artists and spontaneous individuals? Can we give them their spaces and stop criticizing their unique behaviors? Deep down, do we know enough about ourselves? How then, would we know enough about others, particularly, about the very small percentage of population? Do we have the right to go around judging others not knowing enough facts in life? Let us discover each other and appreciate one another abilities. Diversity is the spices so life to enjoy.


©Mona Youssef