Benefits of Arts

Arts, whether creating it or viewing, can be advantageous in everything we do. Some of us have the art of listening, the art of teaching, the art of helping, the art of communicating, the art of writing, of composing music and even the art of healing. Some people might have regarded art as a luxury where one can live without. While we all love to decorate our homes, dress up and match colors, enjoy listening to a beautiful piece of music, read moving poem or enjoy viewing beautiful paintings and feel refreshed. Obviously, art has an impact on all of us one way or the other, whether we are artists or appreciative of art.


It has been proven that learning or practicing art from childhood, has its importance in one’s life. Art enriches the imagination, visual ability, multiply brain cells, widens thinking ability, encourages self-expression, self-esteem, improve deicisons-making and problems solving. These abilities have been proven in a report by Americans for the Arts education that it strengthens problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. If they are exploring, thinking, experimenting and trying new ideas, then creativity has a chance to blossom, says MaryAnn Kohl, who is an arts educator and author of several books about children’s art education.


Learning and creating art from early age also, improves the Academic performance as many studies confirmed that there was a connection between art and other achievement in one’s life. A report by Americans for the Arts states that young people who participate regularly, in the arts three hours a day and three days each week, in one full year, are four times more likely, to be recognized for academic achievement, able to participate in a math and science fair or to win an award for writing an essay or poem than children who do not participate.


Elliot Eisner, a professor of education at Stanford University, shares a deeper understanding of the importance of arts in a child’s life, states; Art teaches children that problems can have more than one solution and that questions can have more than one answer. The arts celebrate multiple perspectives.


Creative thinking and reasoning ability have been acknowledged and highlighted as vital twenty-first-century skills by numerous business, education, community and government leaders. To be successful in a demanding career requires great amount of focus and concentration. Learning art from childhood or creating art contributes to gaining such ability. In addition to the benefits of art, there is also health and emotional improvements were noted. There are more than 100 studies about the impact of art on our health and our ability to heal faster than those who do not practice or enjoy art. It has proven that art reduces stress and anxiety and increases positive emotions. It also, improves the flow of responses and spontaneity, expression of sorrow, positive identity, social networks, and reduces adverse of physiological and psychological outcomes, the extent to which these interventions enhance health status.

On a personal level, art has taught me that there is always light somewhere, even when matters may seem dark. Through painting, I've learned that what we see, for the first time, is not always or exactly what we initially perceived to be there. Having a second and a third look at subjects or matters can reveal more depth, value and beauty to what we thought was there the first time. It would also add some light of details as to how one can make right decisions and choices.

In my paintings, I focus on the importance of light along with the shadows that complement its beautiful counterpart. By using different subtle tones and applying many fine layers to create depth and soft contrast, I emphasize perspective and composition. Realizing this fact is what has led me to extend on the realism style.


Having gained experiences from travelling to different countries, where I've learned about different cultures and have seen great verity of artwork has enabled me to widen out on my perspective of life and become easily, intimate with the qualities of our natural world and the people, it nourishes. In addition, I feel close with all kind of people and find that there is an infinite room for growth and progress in my thinking ability and in my artwork and this will inspire me to go on reaching new levels of depth, beauty and diversity in the realism oil paintings. This room of improvement is open to all of us should we desire to improve on whatever we have chosen to do as long as we do soulfully and passionately.


Good health to all and enjoyable life. Your comments and inputs are welcomed and thank for the visit.


©Mona Youssef

Mona Youssef Gallery

Mona Youssef Gallery (MYG) has been developed from a renowned Fine Artist to a gallerist, promoter and art consultant, Mona is known with her realism oil paintings of the four seasons. Original paintings on canvas, Limited Edition and greeting cards are available. MYG is also, an Online Art Gallery and a traveling Gallerist represents Artists of different countries in international art exhibitions. In addition, Mona Youssef is a Memeber of the international selection committee for Florence Biennale as well an Advisor.

Born talented or Taught to be an Artist!


Art strokes/simplicity/complexity, how are related?