Articles for Artists
Articles herewith, are an eye opener to enhance the understanding of different subjects. As a result, communications between Artists, galleries, Art dealers and Art collectors will improve. I hope that you will find them practical, enlightening and useful to read.
“Art, Artists and Psychology”, “Is Art accessory or necessity“, “Artists, Self-Promotion and Social Media”, “A professional Artist”, “how is classified?”, “Art and Food, how are related”, “Artists are blessed with their talents”, “Artists in the Art Market!”, “Art strokes/simplicity/complexity, Genuine Connection and Artists , how are related?”, “Benefits of Arts”, “Born Talented or Taught to be an Artist”, “Brain, Age and Creativity”, "Brain, sends and receives", “Can intelligence improve with age”, “Charles Chaplin and Pure Art”, “Da Vinci Town”, “Da Vinci and you; are you, can you?”, “Definitions of curator, dealer, collector, gallery and gallerist”, “COVID-19 and creativity”, “Copyright; who has the right!”, “Do Artists need Galleries”, “Do artists give up at losing natural ability?”, “Important Questions Artists need to ask!”, “Should Artists pay Fees to Exhibit", “High Sensitive People”, "How to price artwork”, “Human and the need for a mirror”, “Teaching Art, Teacher and Student Connections”, "The ability of Photographic memory”, The game of pricing artwork", “Polymath, what is and who is”, “Philanthropy and being an Artist”, "Passion for Art", "Purity of a child", "Rest a creative mind", “Sensitive People in insensitive World”, “Unlocking the Mysteries of The Artistic Mind”, “The secret behind Mona Lisa's smile”, “Question many have asked; What is Art?”, “Mental practice for painting/art-making”, “Mona Lisa’s Smile”, “Roles of proportions”, “Comment on The law of least efforts”, “What is the difference between imagination and creativity”, “Why many Artists love to paint waters”.
Philanthropy and being an Artist
It made my day when an Artist, whom I’ve selected to participate in Florence Biennale 2019, said to me” You are not only an artist or jurist but in my opinion, you are a philanthropist!
Elaborating on the definition of philanthropist, it is the person who makes an active effort to promote human welfare, a person who practices and involved in goodwill for his/her fellow members of humanity. Shouldn’t we all carry ourselves in such manners? How beautiful life could be if we did? Is it something to brag about or feel happy that we can be? “There is always more happiness in given than is in receiving”. No wonder why the Creator is the greatest Artist!
Searching further for examples of the word “Philanthropy”, I came across the following:
• Among his converts was Arthur Tappan, a New York textile merchant and philanthropist who sheltered and guided the development of the antislavery movement through its long early years by dint of sheer openhandedness. —Marilynne Robinson, The Death of Adam, (1998) 2005
• John D. was indisputably a great philanthropist. He took care of his family first, of course; but he founded the University of Chicago in 1892, the Rockefeller Institute (now Rockefeller University) in 1901, and the Rockefeller Foundation in 1911, and made other substantial gifts along the way. —Robert M. Solow, New Republic, 23 Dec. 2002
• You had to admire it and admire the man, who sat now like a benign locust, his slender in sectile body swamped in a black leather chair, leaning over the desk, all smiles, a parasite disguised as a philanthropist. —Zadie Smith, White Teeth, 2000
• A hundred-and-one-year-old Jewish philanthropist in Hartsdale named Henry J. Gaisman donated two and a quarter million dollars to the Archdiocese to purchase the property and preserve the integrity of the landmark. —Brendan Gill, New Yorker, 10 June 1991
• For many years, Microsoft has used corporate philanthropy to bring technology to people who can't get it otherwise, donating more than $3 billion in cash and software to try to bridge the digital divide. —Bill Gates, Time, 11 Aug. 2008.
• Cooper, born in New York City in 1791, was himself an inventor and a hands-on industrialist, whose fortune got its start in the glue business, greatly expanded in the iron industry, eventually included more than half the telegraph lines in the United States, and was significantly invested in philanthropy and the cause of public education. —John Updike, New York Review of Books, 10 Aug. 2006
• In conditions of anarchy, a crude and violent order, based upon brute force and psychopathic ruthlessness, soon establishes itself, which regards philanthropy not as a friend but as an enemy and a threat. —Theodore Dalrymple, National Review, 26 Sept. 2005
• The family's philanthropy made it possible to build the public library. among the industrialist's philanthropies was a college scholarship fund for deserving students from the inner city.